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  • Writer's picturemafusavictor

The Extension of the Self

28th May 2019

The most important reference in human language is "i".

It's so important that in English alphabets, the letter is a word by itself, "i" represents a plethora of entities and conditions.

Everything has a self, God even, His self of course being omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent while ours being limited by our human condition.

God made man from mud then breathed into him a spirit.

The spirit is then "the self and the breath of life".

God is a spirit, Heaven and Hell are spiritual places, Man is a spiritual being going through a Human experience in a physical Earth.

Conclusively then, man is an abstract that has been materialized through mud.

Visibility and tangibility are material proofs of physical existence, what then proves the existence of the abstract if not the self?

Thoughts, ideas, feelings, values, desires, intuition, conscience; our abstract nature.

Now that the existence of the unseen and intangible has been depicted, let's talk about the role they play in the universe.

Similarly, the same way "The unseen God" created the seen universe is the same way " the unseen man" creates the seen world.

This is a supernatural law of existence; from the unseen to the seen, from the abstract to the material.

An illustration of this truth would be the infrastructure on the planet, all of it originated from the unseen minds of men.

Therefore if every man made thing is an extension of man, then up to what extent can we analyse the extension of our individual self.

Abstractness is a form of potency that  exists in the form of energy.

Energy by its own nature is transient and contagious;it builds or destroys.

Therefore the individual self is "the self and the extent of the projection of that self's energy.

In simpler terms,my individual self is;

"What I think, including the impact of my thoughts.

What I say, including the impact of my words.

What I do, including the impact of my actions."

The chaos in the world are a result of the lack of recognition of the impact of the extension of the self and the deliberate extension of evil through the self.

Congruently, the goodness in the world is as a result of recognizing the extent to which the self can spread goodness and the deliberate extension of goodness through the self.

Basically, the world is centered on each and every ones individual self and the global imbalance exists because we have not balanced our individual selves.

Find your selfs' center then center your self, the world is self centered.

The moon may be closer to the earth than you are to yourself.

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